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How to remove the AnyTrans app on Mac OS

Some time ago I ran into an issue trying to copy some contacts from one iPhone to another.

I bought AnyTrans, which was marketed to solve the issue on a number of sites, but it didn’t.

After removing the app from the Applications folder, I still had the issue of an AnyTrans “helper app” running at startup. The full name is “”.

In order to remove it, I ended up having to do the following:

Navigate to:

~/Library/Application Support/

Then type:

rm -rf com.imobie.AnyTrans

This command recursively loops through that folder and force removes all the files.

This seemed to work for me.

Hopefully it helps someone else.

If on the odd chance it doesn’t; one way to find the path to the folder is to locate the process within activity monitor, click on it then click the i, which is wrapped in a circle, and it provides info on the process.

From there, click on the tab “Open Files and Ports” and you should be able to locate the path to where the app is running from. Typically that’s the top line.

Hope that helps. Leave any feedback in the comments, thanks.

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4 months ago

Thank you, sir! ✨