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Fasting & Chemo – Change Log

This post covers the changes I’ve made to the Fasting and Cancer – How Fasting Before Chemotherapy Reduces Side-Effects & Improves Efficacy article over time.

August 2022 – Updated:

  • For some reason a number of the videos stopped functioning so I have have found other locations where they are hosted and fixed the links. I particularly think the first video showing Valter’s initial research into mice + chemo + fasting is illuminating, so was pleased to find it was hosted elsewhere. As opposed to being lost into the ether.

August 3, 2020 – Updated:

  • Added 2 new studies:
  • 1) Demidenko et al., looking at how arrest of the cell cycle whilst growing vs not growing can induce cell senescence.
  • 2) Longo 2020 study on 131 breast cancer patients, using a fasting mimicking diet. For their fasting mimicking diet they did 100% plant based, no animal proteins. Approximately 1200 calories on day , and ~200 calories on days 2, 3 and 4. With a ratio of 3.5/1/2 carbohydrates/proteins/fats on day 1. Then 80% of the ~200 calories on days 2, 3 & 4 were from complex carbohydrates. No rules on what time they ate.

August 3, 2020 & Prior

  • Updates were being made, but I wasn’t yet logging them here.
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